Saturday, January 31, 2015

To Each His Own

Sharing this part of my life here on the interwebs was pretty terrifying. 

I'm a pretty open book normally, but this particular topic is one so deep and dark that it was hard to share. 

But something really astounding happens when you share something painful with the world. . .the world shares it with you. 

It sounds cliche, but I guess I wasn't expecting anyone other than my faithful Maid of Honor and my fiance to read it and after posting it I didn't really know how anyone would react to it. 

I was completely overwhelmed when I found dozens of messages, texts, and calls from people I'm close to and some I've never even spoken to. 

Some were shocked that a woman they once knew and loved so much had fallen victim to this disease, and some were even more shocked that they didn't know. 

Some were empathetic, offering support and kindness for both of us. 

But the most surprising thing I found was that almost everyone had their own stories of heartbreak dealing with the same thing. 

Maybe not alcoholism, some of them were drug addictions and depression...some of them shared stories of separated families and poverty and loss. 

Each and everyone one, though, shared a common thread. A common tragedy that related them to our family's heartbreak and struggle and through sharing you could tell we both felt a sense of relief that someone out there has felt the same anguish, has sat in the same emergency room, has dreaded the same fate. 

It moved me deeply to have so many of you trust me with your own stories, and even more honored to know your resilience, your strength, and your power. 

The one most important thing my mother ever taught me is that every single person is fighting a battle. It might not be the same as your's but it's still a battle. 

You may not understand the fight they are going through, but remember what it's like to have to fight at all. So treat each other the same way you'd like to be treated, with love and kindness and patience.

My future in-laws are in town, and we're having such a wonderful time. After the storm last night, they offer a refreshing calm and lightheartedness that's reminding me that I'm surrounded by unexpected love constantly. 

Tomorrow is a new day, and I'm excited to get back to sharing planning with you all on here. 

Again, thank you to everyone for your kind words. 

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