Sunday, January 18, 2015

I Believe in Whimsical Magic

Between the age of 4 and 11, I was the same three things for Halloween every year.

A bride, a princess, or a winter queen (which was basically the princess with more sparkles). 

These choices seemed pretty contrary to my usual tom-boy attitude toward life, but each Halloween I only wanted to wear a white dress that I would continue to wear  (all day and also to bed) until my mother snuck it out of the house while I was at school. 

But aside from my white-dress obsession, I thought relatively little about my future wedding. 

My Barbies never got married, I never played pretend marriage...mostly I was pre-occupied with dreaming about my future at school. I was THAT kid. I was much more interested in getting an A on my paper than I was about boys, which ultimately I concluded was due to a traumatic experience I had in fifth grade in the cafeteria with a kid named Sam...but I digress. 

Anyways, when it came to start thinking about my wedding I approached it the same way I approach everything, which is with completely unrealistic standards.

I want everything perfect, and I want it to be exactly how it is in my head...transforming the station into a beautiful around-the-world-experience I hope for. 

And while normally this would be an ordinary feat for me to pull off, the downside is that I can't do it. This is the one moment in my life that I leave something so huge in the hands of other people with pretty much a complete inability to be there to control everything. 

Which, for me, is a pretty terrifying thought. 

But I'm lucky, because my dream wedding has landed in the best hands and a large part of that is due to my friends at Whimsical Gatherings. 

I first met Leah and Colby out dancing at Sassy Anns, and instantly knew they were my kind of people. 

They love beautiful, glittery, fabulous things and that pretty much covered all my bases. 

But after I met them, I found out they worked together with Carrie at Whimsical Gatherings, a floral design studio that creates pure magic. 

I'm serious. Like, real life fairy tale magic. 

I instantly became obsessed with their work. I mean, look at this. LOOK AT IT.

Photo credits: Natalie Watson (

So of course I made it my only goal to work with them to help create the Wanderlust theme I was hoping for. 

We met at their studio, which was incredible.

Dozens of candles illuminated a room of flowers, sculptures, and decor that would have been enough to host a wedding right then and there in. 

They had champagne and strawberries out on platters, and we sat and laughed and dreamed up everything I could ever hope for. 

It was by far the best consultation a bride could ever hope for, and I was so amazed at how enthusiastic they were to create my fairy tale. I was even more impressed at how they instantly were drawing sketches and dreaming up things that so perfectly encapsulated what I was envisioning. 

I walked away so comforted knowing that my big day was in the most beautiful hands. 

You can of course see some of their work on my blog board: Follow Marvyl's board To Be Triscritti on Pinterest.

Or you can see their Facebook here!

And you see tons of their work on their website here. 

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see what they create for YOUR WEDDING!!!
