Wednesday, January 21, 2015

You Can Never Choose on Netflix!

Ok, that was a slightly misleading title but whatever.

You get a funny look from people when you tell them you're having a themed wedding.

But there's a million reasons why we're doing this travel theme, and I guess this extraordinarily warm weather has me longing for summer days and margaritas and it made me want to tell you this story.

When Eric and I first started dating, there was something about him that made me fall faster than me in heels walking down stairs-he has an incredible sense of adventure.

Like, the kind of adventure that supports me when I suddenly want to take up tap dancing or salsa or go to a Ramen Noodle Museum in Japan.

But he also has an insatiable curiosity.

His brain works in completely different ways than mine, and it's really fascinating to see him tackle problems. And it's even more so to see him learn.

I have learned SO much since we started dating because he loves to learn and explore and find answers.

One of my favorite memories ever were when we were lounging around indecisively browsing Netflix. We'd gotten into the pattern of watching a documentary every week, and were going back and forth about what we were in the mood to watch that evening.

We stumbled upon the documentary "The Island President" which had an intriguing look about it, but when we read the description it said something along the lines of this:

"President Mohamed Nasheed of the Maldives is confronting a problem greater than any other world leader has ever faced - the survival of his country and everyone in it. Nasheed, who brought democracy to the Maldives after decades of despotic rule, now faces an even greater challenge: as one of the most low-lying countries in the world, a rise of three feet in sea level would submerge the 1200 islands of the Maldives and make them uninhabitable. A classic David and Goliath tale, THE ISLAND PRESIDENT captures Nasheed's battle to stop global warming - and save his country."

So I say, "Where the heck are the Maldives?" because apparently my Anderson County education hadn't made it that far around the globe.

He said, "I don't know."

And that could have been the end of the conversation for me, because frankly, I could have cared less about it. I mean, I wanted to get my Netflix on.

But he did something that stunned me for some reason, and he pulled out his phone and he started researching it.

He pulled up a map of it, he found out the population and the national language and together we learned all about these islands that neither of us ever knew existed before that day.

We watched the documentary and at the end of the night, I just looked at him.

Here's this guy I met at Hannah's. This engineer who founded a frat and drives a Mustang and is anything but what I expected him to be...and he's mine.

Now, this is a normal thing for us. Any answers we don't know, we find out together.

I've learned so much, and I am so excited that one day my children will grow up with a father who loves to learn new things, who strives to learn something new every day, and who will inspire them to have that same appetite for a life of knowledge.

And I guess that was a really long winded way of saying, part of the reason we're doing a travel theme is because of our dreams of learning together, and learning about the world. All of our wedding will represent facets of our hopes and dreams and goals, and we'll do that by throwing a completely baller party.

By the way, watch "The Island President" but skip the ending. IT WAS SO SAD.

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