Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Day Four: I am Kat

Today started off with a Nyquil hangover.

I slept through my alarm and battled with this cold all day.


I didn't eat any of my containers for the day, except for my cottage cheese and peaches for breakfast. I felt like crap and couldn't do it.

My Lumberjack Crew took me out for lunch for my birthday, and it was brought to my attention once again that everything in my life is centered around going out to eat. Luckily, salmon was an option and I used one of my red containers and green containers and skated by.

Before I even headed home I had already talked myself out of today's work out. The pain of the two workouts was finally settling in, and I was pretty sure both my legs had been beaten with baseball bats while I was asleep, and I knew there was just no way between my head and my legs that today's "Lower Fix" was going to happen.

But that's why people like me HAVE to have a coach to force us into doing what we're suppose to do.

So she bargained with me, and we decided to flippityflop today's Lower Fix with tomorrow's Pilates.

I was not a happy camper. I did not want to be sitting on this floor with Jackson dragging squeaky toys over my face and attacking me because of my exhales which he believed to be directed at him.


This goes out to all you people working out in a zoo...

Anyways, the warm up starts and OH MY GOD it's so hard whyyyyyy.

I immediately send a voice message to Coach Melissa blaming her for subjecting me to this torture. If the warm up is this hard, what the hell will the next twenty four minutes be????

But once we actually start, I have to admit to myself it isn't that bad. Me and Kat are hanging out in modify-land today.


We're making our way through and even though my abs are on fire, my head actually feels a little better, and I could do a slightly (VERY SLIGHTLY) longer plank today. Autumn tells me again, "It's not getting easier, you're getting better!"

I feel like an idiot, but I smile when she says it anyway. I've come to terms with the fact you have to buy into it, even just a little, to make it through.

I've also realized Autumn's catch pharse is, "Yeah?" and I lost track of how many times she asked it and how many times I stupidly answered back with the group.



Eventually it ends, and we all applaud.

I'm in considerably more pain than yesterday, but I feel extra proud that I suffered through and did it.

Day three in the bag, and hopefully I'll feel better for tomorrow.

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