Monday, September 7, 2015

Body Bora Bora Back On Track

Nobody hates wrap things and advoshakes and diets more than THIS girl.*points to self*

But now that my new medicine is making me feel sort of like a human being again (yay!) I decided to start looking for options to get rid of this weight and get back into my wedding dress.


And lucky for me, my beautiful bestie is actually a BeachBody coach! She'd never asked me to do her programs before (probs because of my general attitude towards diets and whatnot) but after seeing her results picture I was all:


Girl looked healthy. Not just rockin', but she looked healthy. She seemed strong and fit, and I wanted that. So I broke down and asked her to tell me how much is was going to break my bank and my spirit.

As it turns out, it would do neither of those things. For the most part.

The 21 Day Fix is a BeachBody program that focuses on portion control and exercise. Instead of just drinking liquids for a month or losing water weight, you're eating the stuff you already (or should be) eating in smaller portions and balanced appropriately.

There's a variety of colored containers, and they each represent a food group. Red is protein, yellow is carbs, purple is fruit, etc.

Once you calculate what group you're in, you just plan your meals according to how many of each container you can have each day.

The caveat is that you still have to fill it with things that are approved, which basically means low-fat, non-processed foods.

Pair this with a thirty minute work out each day, and you can lose up to 15 pounds in 21 days.

So there's the pitch. Let me tell you real-people style what I like about the program, real talk.

First, it acknowledges that you're going to cheat.

But it tells you, that's ok.

There's a whole little section of ways to cheat the right way and how to get that wine into your diet, because, let's be real. I'm not going without Starbucks AND wine. I'm AN AMERICAN.

Besides being just written in a funny way, the book is pretty realistic about what you're going to accomplish and making it as bearable as possible. As much as I complained about having to give up the love of my life (McDonalds) the meal possibilities are pretty broad thanks to Pinterest and the options they give you.

I also loved that it was a one time fee of only $60 for the containers, the book, and all the DVDS. HEY OH. (That's like, what I'd be spending on Starbucks this

The meal plan is that you have six meals a day, two hours apart so for a snacker like me, this is ideal!

Anyway, whether it works or not, I'll find out in 21 days. Until then, prepare yourselves for updates via this blog.

Day 1

8:33AM: It’s the first day of my 21 Day Fix. I enjoyed being able to throw my containers into a bag and head off to work as mornings are not my forte.

I didn’t make it quite to 9:00AM for my breakfast, but without coffee I decided I deserved it.
I started off with cottage cheese and fresh peach slices, which is actually one of my favorite treats so it’s not unbearable…yet.

10:29AM: It’s time for the first snack, and even though I’m not really hungry I’m super sleepy (and struggling without my morning coffee) so I decide to dive into my apples and peanut butter. Black coffee is sounding better and better. Also, two tablespoons doesn’t seem like a lot, but it’s a good amount of peanut butter.

12:44PM: I tried to sit idly by enjoying my caprese salad during our office’s Labor Day Cookout…but I couldn’t. I don’t know if the whole grain pasta was really as bad as it seemed with the vinaigrette, or if I really just wanted to be eating BBQ.  I decided to swap one of my planned red containers for a hamburger patty and mustard. Defeat tastes so good. So much better than whole grain pasta. I will say though, had this been delicious, this was more than enough food. I was slightly discouraged when I made it because it looked like such a little amount, but it’s actually way more than I need.

2:53PM: It’s time for the afternoon snack, but I’m so full and not used to consuming this much during the day, I barely get through three carrots. Not to mention my office is WAY too quiet for carrots. I put the containers back in my bag and couldn’t help but think that I still have another meal….and a workout…to get through today. More excited about the meal, obvs.

4:30PM: Since it’s a holiday and since without my morning/afternoon/second afternoon caffeine fix I am miserable in so many ways, I reaaaaaaallly don’t want to be at work anymore. However, I am equally not excited about being at home because that means I have to do this work out. Ugggghh exercise whyyyyyy!?

4:40PM: Note to self: Do it for the dress. Do it for the dress. Do it for the dress.

6:15PM: I've made it through the god-awful Pigeon Forge holiday weekend traffic and made it home. In a futile attempt to procrastinate this work out, I take Jackson to the dog park.

6:20PM: My bestie and also coach says we can do the workout together. This will make it easier, somehow. Accountability for the win! She convinces me not to fall asleep watching Netflix.

7:00PM: I put the DVD in and for a moment consider toggling over to the Netflix tile instead of the DVD one...but Melissa is on the other side of the phone waiting for me to be a decent human being. So begrudgingly I click DVD. And so it begins.

Workout: The video begins with Autumn, the creator, telling us how important Shakeology is to our workout. I fast forward and tell Jackson about paying for bills not shakes is being an adult. He seems indifferent to my suffering.

Not like this guy.

Ok, she's kind of peppy in that obnoxious sort of way, but her words are still motivating me. I guess I'm a cog in the work out machine. YOU'RE RIGHT AUTUMN! I CAN PUSH THROUGH THIS! I CAN GO FARTHER!

I'm laughing at myself, and the cats are definitely judging me.

And by the way I pull my leg muscle shortly after, I can see why. SO out of shape. So, so, so out of shape.

I sympathize with Kat, the "modifier" who is the only not-skinny one in the room showing us how to do the modified steps if we can't manage the impossible ones the others are doing.

My leg is still unable to do most of the work outs, so I do all the right side ones and then spend the left side ones jogging in place and talking to Kat. I feel you girl. I feel you.

Everything is in one minute intervals and she keeps telling me I can do anything for sixty seconds. OKAY KIMMY SCHMIDT.

But she right, tho.

At this point I've extended my twenty second rest break into a generous 40 second break. Don't you judge me, cat. Or Kat. Either one of you.

I spend this 40 seconds trying to determine if T Mac in the back is attractive, or if I just like his TREX shirt and the way he really wants everything to end and how Autumn can be so small and fit and have so many abs and still have boobs that look like that.

I mean, my boobs will be the first thing to go when/if I start losing weight. HOW ARE YOUR'S SO PERFECT AUTUMN? HOW?

I'm back in the game and thankfully we're down to the last round. The ab work outs suck, but I was just thankful to be laying down sort of, so I didn't complain.

The rest went pretty quickly and before I knew it the cool down was over and it was finished.

Autumn congratulates me and says she'll see me tomorrow.



So day one ends. I'm still here, and it really wasn't so bad.

If you want to learn more about the program, join our Facebook support group, or just get a kit for yourself you can click here. 

For those of you in my area, we'll be starting a new group next week so there's still time to order one and start all together.

And if you want to check out some recipes for the 21 Day Fix check out my Pinterest: Follow Marvyl's board 21 Day Fix Foods on Pinterest.


  1. So glad you're feelin more like yourself!!! I wish you all the best in this journey! It can be a tough one; I know cause I've struggled with it all my life. But I have the utmost faith that you'll accomplish anything you set your mind to!

  2. So glad you're feelin more like yourself!!! I wish you all the best in this journey! It can be a tough one; I know cause I've struggled with it all my life. But I have the utmost faith that you'll accomplish anything you set your mind to!
