Sunday, March 1, 2015

Registry Madness

I have to say, so far one of the most fun parts of preparing for the wedding is the registry.

It's like window shopping for Christmas!

Although when I'm drinking wine and watching my TGIT shows...some questionable items may have been added to the list. . .

i.e. This Hello Kitty Humidifier


Anyways, Eric is not as fond of registering.

I recently dragged him to two registry events that I had to work over the years, and was super excited about participating in FINALLY.

The first was one at Belk where they let you wander around and register, and talk to various wedding vendors, while giving away prizes.

Eric won me a nice purse, and since I was working he was there alone and everyone fell in love with the "brave man" who went to a registry event on his own.

He was fine.

Anyways, that one was all good and well and we registered for awesome stuff and he won a purse, which really meant that I won a purse. Yeahhhhh!

The second however, was a damn nightmare.

It was Rock Your Registry at Bed, Bath, and Beyond. I'd worked this event before so I knew the game plan. You go to different stations, register, then win allll the prizes.

But this year, they totally re-did it and it ended up being an ultimate survival game in the wilderness of BB&B.

First, they handed us a registry gun and said we could go crazy all over the store. Ok, so the stations are gone, I'm cool with that.

We went off into the kitchen arena and started scanning.

It wasn't a minute and a half before we were approached by a cookware sales person attempting to get us to register for her brand of cookware. We politely listened to her pitch and tried to recover gracefully when I tried lift the skillet and almost broke my wrist. Why were those pans so heavy???

But in the middle of her very long pitch, she was interrupted by a sales person who very awkwardly told us and our "mom" that he was the "expert" of the kitchen department and could help us in anyway.

Honestly, this interaction was worth it just to live through the tension of the pots and pans rep freak out about him interrupting her pitch AND calling her our mother.

When we finally escaped the both of them, we were bombarded by eight other reps asking us if they could help, or pitching us on a product.

We were literally stuck in the kitchen area for over a half hour. It was like going through a cave in Pokemon and being bombarded by Golbats every freaking step.


So the rest of the night went basically like that. We ducked and rolled, to hide from sales reps lurking in the aisles, and finally gave up hope of winning thing and made a bolt for the door.

We got stopped and sent to the back four times in our attempt, but we finally escaped.

Needless to say, it was definitely not worth missing TGIT night and the massive IOU I had to give Eric for the night.

Other than those two experiences, registry apps are my new favorite past time.

If anyone has any interesting suggestions of awesome things for us to add, let me know.

Until then...


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