Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Feel the Burn...and Know It Never Gets Better

Dear people of Facebook,

I get it. You're super fit and you love running and you look and feel fabulous.


I just want to be all...

But really, I love you people.

I love you have determination and motivation and all the "tions" I generally lack in life.

I love seeing your success pictures and your smiles, and I'm one of the few who genuinely want to cheer you on.

Among my favorite people to stalk/admire are Carrie Waller who like a boss juggles kids, boy scout activities, a job, and life in general while tackling an intense fitness routine that she somehow manages to maintain.

Also, lookin' flawless 24/7.

She's currently on day 128 of her goal to be Fit by Forty and her goals and routines make me simultaneously want to work out and die.

Get it girl.

Also, my bestie and MOH, Melissa Toms is a bad-ass DC producer who also runs a million miles every day despite working over night shifts and coaching high school rowers.

No one should look this good after running. 

She's run like a gazillion marathons and somehow finds time to work out like a beast in between Greys Anatomy and life.

But the point I'm making about these lovely ladies, is they just make no excuses. Which in general makes the rest of us lazy Netflix bingers feel terrible, as we should.

So anyways, the one glaring item on my wedding to do list has been this fitness plan.

I admire the people who have it in their blood to be like, yeah! The gym!

I am not one of those people. I have not time nor energy for that nonsense, and have been dreaddddding doing it.

But here I am, after trying to attempt a work out provided by a free Nike app...miserable. Sore. Hating life and everything about Nike.

It was only a 30 minute work out, but after the first seven minutes this is how it was going:

I managed to BARELY make it through 16 minutes of the workout and then died on the couch.

I woke up unable to move and pretty ready to just let my cats eat my eyes since I was dead and all.

Even though I'm HORRIBLY out of shape and definitely sick of the "It gets better!" line, (because it doesn't, I know that from 4 years of band camp YOU LIARS! You just have something genetically wrong with you. Ignorance is bliss you psychos!) I've reluctantly created a fitness plan through this app.

Which by the way, is free. If you want to torture yourself along with me, you can get the Nike Training Club app.

It's pretty awesome if you're into punishing yourself.

It's got tons of free workouts that guide you through everything with timers and videos, and if I liked this kind of stuff I would say it's amazing.

Needless to say, I'm starting this four week program tonight.

If I don't make it, tell Eric I love him and this was all so I wouldn't have bingo arms at our wedding.


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