Monday, January 12, 2015

I'm Too Tired to Do That

Basically every bridal to-do list starts with "Begin fitness routine" to which I say:

I literally thought all day about how I was going to come home and head down to our very nice work out facility at our apartments and work really hard and maybe stretch and run or something, but then pasta and the Lifetime Network happened. So I sat on the floor and watched Hoarders while I desperately attempted to pick out wedding colors.

Which by the way ended up looking like the foundation for a Pollock painting and got me absolutely no where.

I'm definitely struggling with the overall concept of the day. It's like I have all the big pieces, like the outer edges that are the super easy part of the puzzle...and now I'm just hopelessly looking at the middle holding all these white pieces because FOR SOME REASON I decided to get a puzzle with SNOW on it and all the snow pieces look EXACTLY THE SAME.

(If you can't tell, I made a poor Christmas present decision that ended really traumatically.)

Anyway, so while I'm toiling away over the middle pieces, every book and blog and episode of me walking up our three flights of stairs is telling me I should probably start working out soon because I'm about to have a bazillion people staring at me in a white dress and since there is no color more flattering to a pail, awkward red head...I should probably get on that.

But then, the entire series of Friends is on Netflix...soooooooo.

It's definitely Monday. And the struggle is REAL.

Oh, and I have a blog board for my engagement party which is bordering on New Year's Eve and I-Really-Need-An-Excuse-To-Get-Those-Sequin-Table-Cloths. Follow Marvyl's board Engagement Party on Pinterest.

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