Thursday, January 1, 2015

Blinging in the New Year

In the car on the way home from the New Year's Eve party we'd attended, I felt less than fantastic.

We'd had a wonderful night with friends, dancing in the kitchen and sleeping on an air mattress with no air and drinking lots of champagne.

Lots. Of. Champagne.

We all stayed the night at the party house (safety first, kids) and rang in the New Year with Ryan Seacrest like the rest of the country...and then went to bed soon after because we're old now and I guess that's what happens.

But it was all very fun, and it ended the best possible way which was smuggling champagne via very obvious water bottles into Waffle House for mimosas and the healing power of hashbrowns covered and chunked.

Although it had helped I still felt less than fantastic and very eager to walk of shame my ass up to my bed and sleep for eternity.

Anyways, so we're in the car and at the world's most awful red light we were trapped again, and this group of peppy, ADIDAS sporting, resolution starting joggers gallivant across the street walk.


Now, I should probably preface this with the fact that my road rage commentary is not an unusual thing. It's probably when I'm most irrationally outraged at anything, but THIS. THIS was too much.

It was 9:45 AM on New Year's Day. I'm trying not to vomit all over the leggings I'm currently calling pants, and these guys are just jogging and smiling and being real people!

I bet you're reading this and you're all, Marvyl, I don't read this nonsense to hear about your hungover rants! What does this have to do with your wedding??

But friends, when I turned my outraged face to my fiance, his reaction was perfect. Because he, without missing a beat and with completely sincerity, yells "YEAH! DAMN!"

And to everyone out there reading this, it probably makes no sense why this moment in time stands out to me. But it's these moments of mutual insanity that make me entirely, utterly, head over heels in love with my boy.

Even if he has to yell every time he gets drunk that he IS in fact an Eagle Scout and that DOES ensure he can handle whatever it is we're trying to do. Even if he's still vehemently trying to make our wedding Ninja Turtle themed. And even if he was too inebriated to figure out how to make our air mattress hold air and we slept on the floor all night.

Because when I think of the partner I want to share the rest of my life with, I want it to be the person who will be outraged that people are being healthy the day after New Year's Eve, and will allow me to yell as much as I want about it.

I had a really spectacular year last year. I got to achieve so many of my dreams including traveling to another country, getting a dog, advancing in my career, I bought my first car, I saw One Direction and Ray LaMontagne, I met Scott freaking Hamilton, got to train as a Lumberjill, and I, you know, got engaged!

So many exciting things to look forward to in 2015, and I'm so happy for the loved ones I have to share it all with.

 So 2015, LET'S DO THIS.

1 comment:

  1. Marvyl, I love that you found someone who is as loud and proud as you are! I love you two! Happy New Year!
